(Istanbul, Turkey)

Istanbul Medipol University, Department of Physiology, School of Medicine

Since 2013: Assistant Professor, Bilkent University, Ankara / Turkey

2007 – 2013 Postdoctoral Fellow: with Scott Sternson at Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Farm Reseach Campus, Virginia / USA

2001-2007 Ph.D.: with Ege Kavalali and Thomas Sudhof at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Texas / USA

Selected Publications

Atasoy D., Betley N., Su H., Sternson S.M.  Deconstruction of a neural circuit for hunger. Nature  2012 Aug 9;488(7410):172-7.

Magnus C.#, Lee P.#, Atasoy D.#, Su H., Looger L.L., Sternson S.M. Chemical and genetic engineering of selective ligand-ion channel interactions. Science   2011 Sep 2;333(6047):1292-6.

Yang Y., Atasoy D., Su H., Sternson S.M. Hunger states switch a flip-flop memory circuit via a synaptic AMPK-dependent positive feedback loop. Cell   2011 Sep 16;146(6):992-1003

Aponte Y., Atasoy D., Sternson S.M. AGRP neurons are sufficient to orchestrate feeding behavior rapidly and without training. Nature Neurosci.  2011 Mar;14(3):351-5

Atasoy D., Ertunc M., Moulder K.L., Blackwell J., Chung C., Su J., Kavalali E.T. Spontaneous and evoked glutamate release activates two populations of NMDA receptors with limited overlap. J. Neurosci., 2008 Oct 1 28(40):10151–10166